“What the fuck?” Bren yelled.
“It’s a mask!” came Vince’s loud, strident cry. “Isn’t it? Aren’t you—?”
Then the door slammed firmly shut in their faces, trapping me inside the darkened hallway with my kidnapper. I could still hear the other guys, even over the hammering of my heart.
“What should we do?” That was Chris. “Shouldn’t we rescue him?”
I wriggled in the firm grip, the hand still fisted firmly in my jerkin. The other hand clamped over my mouth just as I was about to call out. There was surprising strength in both.
“No way.” Vince sounded amused. “Joey’s fine, trust me.”
Their voices were fading as they moved across the corridor. I heard the soft bell of the lift being called. I pushed against my captor but it just pushed back, forcing me against the wall. Its thick, hot breath oozed against my neck, raising goose bumps.