Chapter 6

The address and phone number of the place was still scrawled in Leo’s handwriting on the back. Seeing the untidy penmanship reminded Brett that he was a little annoyed with his friend. Leo had refused to explain what the massage would entail or why it was called “Himeros.” The only thing he would say was, “I can’t explain it. You have to experience it. Just go with an open mind.”

And one never knows with Leo. He gets off on some pretty crazy stuff.

Brett stopped walking, allowing the rush of people to pass around him. He pulled a wad of paper towels from his pocket and mopped his brow. He knew the walking wasn’t causing all this sweating. Instead, it was all the self-incriminating thoughts crowding his head; thoughts that reminded him how old he was, how unattractive he was, and what a loser he was—all in a voice sounding a lot like Colton’s.