“Gee, that doesn’t soundgay,” I cracked.
She ignored this incisive interruption. “It’s called ‘Judy Get Your Gun!’—do you love it? Of course I was on board the second I heard the title!” She appeared quite carried away with the idea, and fixed me and Katie with a look that indicated we should adopt a similarly positive attitude for at least the duration of the discussion. We tried to look as game as possible, carefully avoiding each other’s eyes, as she elaborated.
“Apparently Chris is a huge Hollywood buff.”
“‘Huge,’ she said. He isfat!” I lamented.
Ignoring me again, “and he loves old movies, especially old black and white comedies (I told you you have things in common)”—this as an aside to me—“and I guess he’s had a thing for Judy Garland since the very first time he saw The Wizard of Oz, and his favorite movie is A Star is Born.”
I nodded skeptically. “Where does the Old West factor in?”