Instead, I opted to be the supportive friend. “How are you doing?” I asked. “It seems like it was pretty recent. You’re pretty much on your own now for the first time, it sounds like.”
“Nah,” he shrugged. “I put myself through college—scholarship, financial aid, waiting tables, all that. So I’ll be okay. Looking around this place, it kind of looks like I got nothing, but at least I don’t feel like I owe anybody anything for what I do have.” He seemed to consider this last claim for a moment. “I guess I owe Marzipan something for the job and the place to live, but at least I work hard for her.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t worry too much about that in terms of ‘owing’ her. She’s thrilled you came along, and she loves to help people out. She’s probably just thankful to have a new project. She’s so excited about doing your show.”
“I know. I love it!”
I finished my wine. “I’m sure you’re well rid of that guy, Chris. Sounds like you’ve got your life going where you want it.”