Chapter 37

As I knew full well, Bobby never crossed the “iron curtain” between coach and first class unless there were new and interesting men to talk to up front, and, hot and new to the base as he was, Josh definitely qualified as both. I was glad Josh and I had clicked on more of a common-likes-and-dislikes level than I had expected, as I had no intention of letting him slip through my fingers into those of my friend and nemesis.

“Ladies.” Bobby gave a courtly bow as he closed the galley curtain behind him. “What are you two doing all tucked away in here?”

I was barely able to grunt a hello, but Josh thrust out his hand for Bobby to shake. “Hey. Bob, right? I’m Josh.”

“I know,” purred Bobby, more stroking Josh’s proffered hand than shaking it. “How do you do?” Thank you, Tracy Lord.

“How’d it go in the back?” Josh inquired politely.