He seemed to consider it for a minute before he answered, “Yeah, actually, it was. I was furious with him the night I left, but it’s been a while, you know?”
“Well, that’s good, I guess,” I said, noncommittally. I was dying to ask him for more details, but didn’t want to seem gossipy. At first, I’ll admit, my curiosity about Chris was mostly as a New Topic for Katie and I to discuss over coffee. But Chris and I had grown pretty close lately; frankly, I was now more interested to know whether the ex was any potential competition. Not that I had decided to pursue a romantic relationship with Chris, you understand, but if I was going to “keep my options open,” I wanted to know exactly how open my options were.
“It’s just…” Chris hesitated, but seemed like he wanted to talk about his encounter with Jeff. I said nothing, but when he looked at me to gauge my level of engagement, I raised my eyebrows just enough to say “Go on.”