Not that it would be anything like fair to Chris to foist myself on him now. If anything, Josh’s death had fed my obsession with him. Chris has been unwavering in his friendship from the very beginning, but I had been much more fickle, relying on him for entertainment when I had spare time, but focusing the bulk of my energy elsewhere. If he really wanted to get back together with his ex in Arizona, I would wish them happiness. I hadn’t been able to see the benefits of an actual, gay boyfriend, and chasing after a straight guy had brought me pain and heartache just like everyone said it would, so I was going to wallow in that, thank you very much. Chris had been there for me to lean on in the hospital and at Josh’s funeral, and he had known exactly what I needed last night, perhaps better even than I had, providing it willingly and without question. I would be lucky to have a guy like him. And he deserved far better than a guy like me.