Chapter 10

“If it wasn’t for Kevin, I would have jumped out this window a long time ago.”

“Dayna,” Ash whispered. Her throat choked up. She tried as always to shove it down, but this was too terrible to ignore. After a moment of hesitation, she put a hand on Dayna’s shoulder.

“When you told us you were running away to find your brother, I knew I would do the exact same thing if I were separated from Kevin.”

“I know,” Ash said.

Dayna wiped at her watering eyes. “I’m tired of all this, and now I don’t know if we’ll be able to leave today.”

Ash turned away from the window as Kevin walked back into the room. “We’ll figure something out.”

* * * *

Ash was restless by ten A.M. Kevin dug through his toy box, singing. Dayna paced. Muffled noises from below signaled the adults were awake, but no one was leaving. Even worse, thunderclouds threatened to ruin any chance of leaving in good weather.