“At least we have food now and mailed the letter. Hey, Dayna, guess what? Ash let me get two candy bars; one for me and one for you,” Kevin said.
Ash grinned at Kevin’s attempt to lighten Dayna’s mood.
“Do you want your candy now?” Kevin asked.
“I think I’ll wait until tomorrow,” Dayna said.
Ash looked at her watch. “It is tomorrow, it’s 1:30 A.M.”
Dayna shoved her and Ash looked down in surprise as she tripped. Dayna was stronger than she looked. As a matter of fact, Ash’s jaw was still sore from where Dayna had punched her. This time, though, Dayna didn’t seem to be mad.
“You know what I mean,” Dayna said with a smirk.
Ash smiled and relief washed over her; Dayna would forgive her eventually, and Ash would apologize to her every day until then.
By the time they reached the edge of town, the rain had stopped. After slogging through a cornfield and crossing a small stretch of weeds and trees, they came to the yard of a farmhouse. A sagging barn stood fifty yards behind it.