Chapter 75

“All right, Ash, I know you’ve got a master plan, so tell us!” Jon-Allen said.

Ash smiled, glad they weren’t enemies. Of course, none of the boys knew the truth about her and Dayna yet.

“I figured we’d split up.” She wiped sweat from her face. “We’ll each take different parts of the store and get a few things.”

“We should have brought our bags,” Matt said.

“No, that would look suspicious,” Ash said. “I’ve seen signs on different stores and gas stations saying you’re not allowed to bring in backpacks. I think it even specifically says kids aren’t supposed to bring them in!”

Jon-Allen scoffed. “That’s ridiculous. Like all we ever think about is going in some place to steal.”

Ash looked down at the boys, they looked up at her, and everyone laughed.

“We’re only doing it because we have to,” she said again.

They reached a supermarket and sauntered through the parking lot.