Chapter 78

“What is it?” Dayna asked.

“I feel like I’m turning everyone into criminals or something.”

“We’re doing what we have to; that’s all.”

Ash shrugged and racked her brain furiously for a different solution. So far she still had nothing.

That night she awoke to someone pushing her.

“Scoot over,” Dayna whispered.

They still slept with Kevin in between them, but Dayna had gotten up and moved to Ash’s other side.

“What?” Ash asked.

“Bad dream,” Dayna murmured, putting an arm over her stomach.

Ash fought the surge of adrenaline rushing through her body. She needed to focus on comforting Dayna, not kissing her. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Dayna shook her head.

The forest around them was black. Stars shimmered overhead, but the moon was hidden behind a cloud. Ash could barely see Dayna, and she hoped it was only the dark night that made her look so haunted.

“I want to make the bad memories disappear,” Dayna whispered, pushing closer and kissing her cheek.