But Tom knew they really hadn’t. Where could they be? He gritted his teeth and clenched a fist. Dayna probably had a boyfriend. But if she did, and he was only a kid, she couldn’t have run to him. Unless his parents were in on it. That couldn’t be. And who would take Kevin? That girly brat would drive anyone crazy. Tom looked in the closet and opened the dresser drawers even though both he and the meddling cops had already been through the room a hundred times. Finally he gave up and walked into his own room to roll a joint, but someone knocked downstairs and he roared in frustration. He thumped downstairs and yanked open the door.
“What is it?” he growled. Then he realized it wasn’t a cop, but a young woman who looked like she was about twenty-five. Tom grinned and smoothed his hair.
“I’m a reporter for the Jade County Herald,” the woman said.
He grimaced.