Chapter 146

“I know where we can hide out for the night,” Jon-Allen said.

“It’s not another tube slide, is it?” Ash asked.

“Hey!” Matt said.

“No,” Jon-Allen said with a chuckle. “At the other end of the park there are some trails through the woods. We can stay there, and then sneak out and make the phone calls tomorrow.”

“Sounds good to me.” Ash refilled her water bottle, and after another glance at her reflection, decided to wash her face and hair. Dayna and Kevin did the same. Their clothes were still a mess, but at least they looked more human. Then Ash grabbed every roll of toilet paper and added it to their supplies.

“Oh, man, have you ever tried to wipe your butt with a leaf?” Kevin asked the other boys.

“Are we ready?” Ash asked. She shouldered her bag, grabbed the cooler, and opened the door.

Everyone filed out, and suddenly a light blinded them.

“What’s that?” Kevin asked.

Ash squinted. “It’s a police car!” The headlights glared right in their faces.