Chapter 9

“Basically he said if I want this part I have to give Bartlett what he wants.”

Les looked into his partner’s eyes. “I can’t do that to you.”

What came out of Russ’s mouth caught Les completely off guard.

“Yes, you can. Do it.”


“I said ‘do it.’ Look, Freddy…I mean Les. You do what you have to do. We love each other; that’s what really counts. I know whatever you do with this guy won’t mean squat. You’re on the brink of a great career. I’d feel awful if I were the reason you didn’t get your big break.”

“I don’t know,” Les said, feeling confused, torn between his desire to have an acting career in film, his sense of morality, and loyalty to the man he loved. “I don’t want to do anything that would hurt you.”

“It won’t. I know we’re solid. It’s not like you’re denying I exist or doing it behind my back.”

Les still hesitated.