Chapter 13

“I’m sorry, Les. So many people on the crew have seen him hanging around the soundstage. If he travels with you as well, they may put two and two together. The crew probably wouldn’t care but you can’t expect them not to talk. The press has a nasty way of rooting out a bit of gossip like this. We can’t take the chance on losing our investment in you.”

Les shook his head sadly. He thought of Russ back at the apartment. He had been so excited about the way things were going—now this.

“Just to be on the safe side I think it might be a good idea to get you a beard.”

“A beard?” Les said, confused. “I had all my chest hair zapped off so I’d fit the image. Now you want me to grow a beard, and what does that have to do with putting me out there as America’s squeaky-clean sweetheart?”