Chapter 28

Avery reads another line of Shakespeare before he replies. “Not yet.” He’s stopped looking at his watch when he answers. He knows it’s not time.

Ten minutes later. Jacob asks, “Now?” Exactly ten minutes since he last asked. It’s uncanny. Avery wonders if he’s counting the seconds off in his head.

“No,” Avery tells him. “Not now.”

Another ten minutes go by. This time Jacob asks, “Quelle heure est-il?”

Avery is impressed. “Il n’y a pas sept heures.” He grins at the look of confusion that crosses Jacob’s face. So he takes his watch off and sets it between them on the table. “There. Now you don’t have to keep asking.”

Jacob frowns at the watch. It’s not even 6:30 yet. Avery thinks the boy will never make it to seven.