Chapter 1

Sconced torches threw dingy light ahead of Jaelin and her handmaiden, the lady Robyne, as they hurried to the King’s Library. Their soft-soled boots whispered across the ancient stone floor. The inadequate lighting exacerbated the Princess’s black mood, causing her to gnaw her lower lip.

Jaelin dreaded the impromptu meeting. Meetings with the King often led to confrontation, but he’d commanded their presence, and when King Randel summoned, people obeyed.

When they reached the library, lady Robyne grasped the door’s heavy knocker and rapped twice. The creak of rusty hinges echoed faintly through the hall as the door opened. On the other side stood Jon Bohe, the King’s manservant. He ushered them in, leading them past walls lined to the ceiling with books.

The King collected books, all types—thick, thin, short, long, histories, novels, poems, prophecies which came true, ramblings of madmen whose prophecies had failed. The King’s Library at the Varingsway Palace in Andersi was renowned throughout the Eight Lands of Pharr as the only collection of written works from before the Last Wars, with the exception of the Library of the Ancient Mystics. The only way into the library from the castle was through the corridor entrance. Opposite the door, twin glass casements led to a balcony.

The handmaiden stopped a respectable distance from the balcony. “If my lady will allow, I’ll wait here for your return.”

The Princess nodded, distracted, and followed Jon Bohe onto the balcony. “Her Majesty, the Princess Jaelin,” the manservant announced. Then he bowed with a flourish and exited, leaving Jaelin alone with her father.

The Princess studied the King as he stood with his back to his room. His posture was tall and stately, and early sunlight reflected off the royal crown of Andersi. His hair, turning gray and ending just below his high collar, ruffled in the mid-morning breeze. He’d donned the royal robes of office, the emerald green bright in the morning sun.

King Randel did not turn, but Jaelin knew her father was aware of her presence. She walked across the balcony to stand beside him.

From this aerie, almost the entire province of Andersi could be seen, and the view was breathtaking. She was impressed anew by the view of her father’s realm in the morning light. The breeze picked at her loose auburn hair as she waited for him to speak.

From her vantage point, she could look down into the festivities of Market Day within the sturdy city walls of Varingsway. She wished she could be there instead of with her father. Jaelin sighed. She and her handmaiden had decided to skip her morning studies and go out for some shopping, but obviously her father had different plans. She hoped he’d be quick about whatever it was he wanted to argue over this time.

Still looking out across his land, King Randel took a deep breath. “Jaelin, how old will you be next month?”

“Sixteen, Father,” she replied. What does this have to do with anything?

“I was greatly disappointed when Doctor Harrings told me my firstborn was female.” The King seemed to be changing the subject. “Not that I love you less because you are a girl, but all kings need a son to carry on after them. I guess we’ll have to be different, as I’m plagued with daughters. I’m not as young as I used to be and, some day, you’ll reign Andersi as my successor. You’re strong-willed, but I think, with the help of your studies, you’ll be a fine ruler.

“But the dynasty must continue. Ever since the Period of Reconciliation, many years after the Last Wars, the Anders have governed this province.”

This is ancient history, Jaelin thought. Nothing she hadn’t already learned in her studies.

Then he surprised her. “Did you know you aren’t the firstborn of the House of Anders?”

Jaelin started. “I have an older sister?” Her usually strong voice lowered with emotion. Now this was something out of the ordinary. “Where is she? Why didn’t I know?”

The King sighed, and Jaelin thought she’d never seen him look older than he did at that moment. When he spoke, his voice caught and his breath shook slightly. Jaelin was startled—her father rarely showed emotion. “Three years before your birth, your mother brought our first child into this world. She was a joy, with deep blue eyes and a thick patch of auburn hair. She had the most hair at birth out of all of our daughters.

“Eighteen months later, there was a breach in the Palace Home Guard, and we woke to find the baby gone. Whoever abducted her took little else, leading us to believe her kidnapping was the sole purpose of the break-in.”

Jaelin gasped. “Ye Fates! And you’ve never heard of her again? You have no way of knowing if she’s alive?” You never told me?She stood thunderstruck. An older sister! She could begin to understand her father’s over-protectiveness.