Chapter 36

He said, “Never mind. I’ll be your teacher now. First, a lesson in the Parcaen faith. The people of Pharr, myself included, have long believed in the Parcae, or the Three Fates. Collectively they control destiny, hence their names. First, you must be able to see life as a length of string.” To demonstrate his point, Skotak pulled a leather thong from the pouch around his waist and stretched it between his hands. “This is a life. It has a beginning and an end. Can you conceive that?”

“Yes,” Elke replied, excited.

“Sometimes the string becomes a little frayed, but we all have our tough times. Now, if the string is life, imagine a huge ball of yarn. What would that symbolize?”

She thought for a moment. “Everyone?”

“Exactly! All life is wound within a ball of thread, and as people are born, their thread is drawn out. When they die, their thread is cut. Do you follow?”

“I think so.”