“What did he mean by that?” Shaela whispered to Airk.
The outlaw shrugged. “Usually the good stuff is nothing more than wood alcohol, made illegally at a home still.”
“I meant what he said to you!” she cried, exasperated. His carefree attitude was beginning to try her patience.
“Oh, that. A death threat, nothing more. It seems I’m to be executed next week sometime.”
She asked, “And that doesn’t bother you in the least?”
Airk waved his hand. “I’ve been sentenced to die a thousand times over. Remember the Shayrron?”
Shaela rolled her eyes. “How could I forget?”
“Something will come up,” Airk assured her. “It always has in the past. The Fates tend to like me.”
“Why is that?” the centurion asked. “You lie, steal, cheat, gamble, and murder.”
Airk gave her a devilish smile. “You’re really too kind. What’ve you been teaching her, Emini? My dear, the Fates like me because I do their dirty work for them.”
* * * *