Chapter 64

Airk walked behind the guide, Kitt and Shaela behind him, and the others fell into place. Dagger in hand, Airk came alive in a way Shaela hadn’t seen before—he was one with the forest, distinguishing every sound or movement, no matter how minuscule. She herself probably heard things the others didn’t; living in the forest taught a lot of lessons. But he was overtly careful, and she took her cue from him.

Despite the shade from the trees, the marsh was humid, unbearably hot, and too quiet. There were no singing birds, no creatures at all except the occasional mosquito, roughly the size of a butterfly. The first time one of the bloodsuckers landed on Airk’s back, Kitt cried out and Shaela swatted the huge bug with her hand. Instead of dying, the mosquito flew off, weaving, as if trying to shake off the hit.