As they turned a corner, Airk said, “I think I know where she is.”
“Where?” the Baret asked.
“She’s leading us right to her,” Airk replied.
The Stones began to hum in their pouch. Shaela felt the vibration at first, but soon realized she heard them, as well. She covered the pouch with her hand, trying to quiet it, but the humming grew louder.
Airk glanced over his shoulder. “Could you keep it down? I’m sure Coggs knows we’re here, but she doesn’t need to know exactly where.”
“It’s the Stones,” Shaela said. “They must sense her. They grow louder with every step I take.”
The outlaw stopped suddenly. Shaela was handing the Stones back to Jaelin—the constant vibration was annoying—and didn’t notice, so ran right into him. Her sister bumped into her, but the Baret stopped before it was too late. Shaela heard Kitt gasp and placed her hands on Airk’s shoulders to see what had caused their sudden stop.
The hall before them was dark.