Chapter 4

“So, how long are you in town for?” Kyle asks. He’s obviously realized that if he wants to have a conversation he’s going to have to do all the work.

“Uh, just to the end of the week. I’m helping Earle & Sons break in a new software system.” See that? I volunteered information there. Go me.

“Cool. So where’s home?”

“Atlanta. Uh, Atlanta, Georgia, because obviously there’s more than one place called Atlanta in the states. Fifteen, actually, I think, although I’m not sure if that’s counting the one in Canada.” Okay. That bit about possessing some self-censorship? I lied, obviously.

Kyle gives me a broad, sexy smile. “I’d tell you you’re cute when you’re nervous, but hell, you’ve been antsier than a Mormon in a sex shop ever since I first saw you, so I guess I’ll have to settle for saying you’re cute, period.”

For the record, I am not cute. Some guys’ll say anything to get in your pants.