Chapter 12

The clerk’s eyebrows went up like question marks, and then she went back to flipping pages in her magazine.

Calm down, Elwira told herself. Raz was outside, only a few steps away. If I call her, she’ll hear me and come. I can do this. She picked up a figure of a child playing a harp and held it up to her eyes for a closer look.

“I assure you it’s genuine,” the clerk said, “an authentic piece,” then she dropped the magazine on the counter and walked over to Elwira. “Are you looking for a gift, perhaps something for a friend or relative?” She moved closer, brushing an arm against Elwira, choosing another figure from the shelf. “This one is quite nice, don’t you think?”

Elwira opened her purse and handed the clerk the photograph of Pope Pius XII. “I’d like to find a suitable frame,” she said. “Like one of those in the window.”

The clerk said it was a good likeness. “For a newspaper print. You can even see the tiny jewels on the front of his crown?”