WebNovelTil Death50.00%

Chapter 4

Tall, like I said—she was your height without shoes, but in heels, she towered over us both. Lithe to the point of being skinny. Eyes like sapphires, lips as red as rubies, skin opalescent. When you introduced us, I stared at her paper-white skin and wondered if she used talcum powder for make-up. Her sunblock must’ve been SPF 400. She was so pale, her skin took on a bluish hue from the veins running just underneath it. If that long, blonde hair was black, she’d be more Goth than Morticia Adams.

Then she smiled, and I stared at a dazzling array of more teeth than any person had a right to have. Either she was gifted with perfect choppers or her dentist made a fortune off those pearly, polished, almost pointed, veneers.

When she gave me a fake, one-armed hug, a cloying perfume like calla lilies rose from her to fill my senses and left me thinking of funeral homes. That heavy and oppressive.

What the hell did you see in her?

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