
Chapter 5

They went on to pick out the rest of Dave’s audition pieces. For his popular selection he decided on an oldie by Buddy Holly, “It’s So Easy to Fall in Love.” For his standard, he decided on “I’ve Got to Be Me.”

They practiced these and then set up a few more meetings to prepare for the audition.

As Mr. Lee packed up to leave Dave said, “Thank you so much for all you’re doing for me. I really appreciate it.”

“Nothing at all, my boy. I’ll check my schedule to make sure I can be at your audition to play for you.”

“That’d be super.”

* * * *

The day of the audition soon arrived. Dave had been given a pass from the office that let him out of biology, which he usually had at that time.

Mr. Lee was waiting just outside the door to the choir room. Seeing him there gave Dave a surge of confidence.

“Hello,” Mr. Lee said cheerily. “Are you ready for this?”

“Yeah, I think so,” Dave said, taking a deep breath.