“Erm, oh, yes, sorry, it’s this heat I think, frying my brain.”
“It’s a bit much, isn’t it?” Plod said, using his cap to fan his beautiful face.
“Yeah,” I said dreamily. “Forgive me. Will you have to stop here for long?”
“Until the Council comes with another cover. I’ve radioed in, but you know what it’s like to get a Council workman out, especially on a Saturday.”
“Yeah,” I said distractedly. I had to snap out of this before I made an even bigger prat of myself. “Look, I was just about to go back inside to my place for a glass of iced tea.” I pointedat my front door immediately behind him. “Would you like some, too?”
“I’ve never tried it, but it sounds nice.”
“An American friend…an American who I used to know,” I said, trying to keep the grimace off my face, “got me hooked on the stuff. It’s just the thing on a hot day. I’ll bring you out a glass, shall I?”
“Thank you.”