Chapter 6

“No, no, not at all,” he said, treating me to another face-splitting grin.

I unlocked the car doors and Liam got in.

“Better put your seatbelt on, you never know when there’ll be a policeman about.”

He laughed and pulled the belt across his oh-so-wide chest.

I looked away and put the car back in gear. “I threw a few things together for us to eat later.” I’d actually bought out half the supermarket’s deli counter. I’d over-provisioned big time, but in my own defence I didn’t know what he liked.

“Great. I eat pretty much anything. It was a case of eat while you could at home, with so many of us…you had to grab it before someone else did.”

I couldn’t imagine living in a large family. “I thought we’d take a trip into Epping Forest.”

* * * *

It didn’t take very long to get to the forest. Or rather with Liam with me it didn’t seem to take long.

“Is there anything special you want to do while we’re here?” I asked.

“Erm, could we go horse riding?”