Chapter 5

When he had a few days leave coming up, I wanted to take him home and show him off. There was no doubt in my mind he was coming with me; I wouldn’t leaving without him. Maybe it was my mother’s constant harping, asking “Have you found a girl yet?” the minute I answered the phone. Maybe it was Dan himself, telling me he wanted me forever after we made love the night before. Whatever the reason, I woke up Thursday morning and knew I wanted to tell my parents about him. Someone this good I had to share.

Over breakfast, I asked Dan if he had plans for his leave. “Not really,” he mumbled into his eggs. He’s not a big talker. Most of the time, I feel as if I’m gushing on and on, and then he’ll look at me with a sparkle in his eyes and say, “I love you.” Three little words, they bring me to my knees. He’ll grin and kiss me speechless, my words gone. That morning, he looked across the table at me and asked, “Why? You have plans?”

“I was thinking of going home for a few days,” I said.