Chapter 16

But I knew long ago that I wouldn’t be able to have that. I love men, I love Dan. I won’t have children. My mom will have to learn to accept that the same way I have. Unless she’s going to let it come between us…

I think of my Aunt Jessie. That’s one relative I’m quite sure won’t be at Sugar Creek this week. I’ve only met her once, and I was just a little boy at the time, I don’t remember much about her beyond long black hair and thick eyeliner that made her look like a raccoon. In my memory she wears all black, but I think I’m confusing her with Caitlin. As I recall, Jessie had a smoky, sultry voice and a lazy way of looking around the room as she talked, and there was something so overtly sexual about her that even as a child, I was drawn to her the way a moth is to a flame.