Chapter 33

And I don’t want Dan to go after those boys in the bathroom. They’re just playing around, probably don’t even knowwhat a faggot is. A bundle of sticks,I think, and for some reason that makes me want to laugh. No, Caitlin managed to scare them enough for one day. Anything Dan might say won’t compare to the scene my sister caused. So I give him my most disarming smile and assure him, “They’re just kids, Dan. Just talking shit, you know how kids can be.”

“And what if they weren’t just talking?” he asks, but he follows me to the car, at least. “What if one of them had a gun, or a tire iron? I don’t think I could’ve made it to you in time—”

“I’m fine,” I tell him. “Jesus, Dan, they weren’t going to attack me.”

“You don’t know that.” He glares around us and actually walks me to the passenger side of the car. Holding the door for me as I slide into the seat, he says, “You’re just not careful enough, babe. They could have hurt you.”