Chapter 56

“He won’t,” I started.

“Michael,” she warned. I could tell from her tone of voice that I was pushing it. Beside her, my dad added, “Get to bed, buddy.”

I didn’t move. Aunt Evie sat up and, pushing herself off the loveseat, admonished, “Leave him be, Harry.” With wide eyes, I watched her cross the room, until she loomed above me, and I let her take my hand. “Come on, Mikey. A glass of warm milk should set you right.”

“Ray—” I tried, peering around Evie into the living room.

Deftly she closed the door on the others and led me into the kitchen. “I’ll give him a talk,” she promised, her large hand easily enveloping mine. “If he keeps it up, I’ll just have to move him in with the girls. I don’t think he’ll like that much, do you?”