Chapter 74

Not one to be left out, Caitlin nudges the back of my leg with one knee. My own knee buckles but I catch myself and tell Stephen, “You know my sister. Caitlin?”

Stephen nods but doesn’t offer her a hand to shake, which is good. She’s the type to leave him hanging. “This is Stephen,” I tell her. “You remember him—he was always over here. God, I’ve known him forever.” Lowering my voice, I wink and add, “My first kiss, even.”

That makes him blush, thin pink color rising in his pale cheeks, and he ducks his head, scuffs his feet on the carpet. “Mike,” he warns, but there’s laughter in his eyes and a hint of something more in his voice, and all of a sudden I’m glad Caitlin’s here with us. I have a funny feeling he didn’t just come over to say he’s sorry that Evie’s gone.