Chapter 88

So he left. And Dan came to me, wanted to hold me, wanted to comfort me and I wouldn’t let him. I pushed him away, held him at arm’s length, told him to leave me alone. Just leave me alone…

And it took a sixteen year old girl to point it out to me.

I pat her arm and this time she doesn’t shrug away. “We’ll be alright,” I assure her. We will be, this isn’t the end. “We’ll get through this, Caitlin. Cat.” Hoping to make her laugh, I wink and ask, “Whatever doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger, right?”

Her eyes narrow into thin raccoon slits. “He’s fucking awesome,” she grumbles. “If you lose him because you’re moping about that geek you used to freak back in the day, hell, I’llkill you.”

I have to stifle a grin. “Didn’t I say it wasn’t any of your business?” I ask.

Caitlin glares at me and shoves me away. I stumble back to the house, giggling and giddy for the first time since my dad stole Dan from me this morning. 27: Never Go to Bed Angry