Chapter 113

He whispers it now, here beside the bubbly creek, amid the tall grasses and tall trees, and it’s still enough to dry up my tears. We lie together on the ground, his body covering mine, his arms cradling my head and his hands clasped together in my hair, his kisses sweet and tender and soft on my face, my neck, my lips. He’s still inside of me—I swear I can feel his heart pounding in my groin. Every now and then he shifts above me, small movements that cause his wilting member to flare to life briefly, a thickening throb deep in the very center of my being. I don’t want to lose this moment, I don’t want to lose him, and the tears that fill my eyes and course down the sides of my face leave me shaky with relief. Mine, he tells me in a gentle voice that barely rises above the rustling leaves. “I’m yours, Michael. Forever and you know it. Don’t block me out, baby, please. Don’t turn me away.”

“I won’t,” I swear. “I won’t, Dan, ever again. I’m so sorry.” He kisses the apology away.