Chapter 176

This time I listen, and the car surges forward to catch up with the others. A glance in the side-view mirror shows a line of cars stretching back for as far as I can see—I wouldn’t be surprised if some still sit in front of Aunt Evie’s house, lights on, waiting for their chance to pull out. Silence hangs like a pall over us, and with the windows rolled up, it’s even more stifling in here—the only sounds are the radio playing low and the rustle of a dress from the back seat, the scrape of shoes as my cousins try to get comfortable. Then the road curves and Grosso’s comes into view, squalid and rundown and so damn oldin the unforgiving sun that I have to blink back tears that blur my vision. Without looking away from the road, I fumble blindly into the seat next to me, reaching, searching…

Dan is already reaching back.