Chapter 10

Then with a lighter touch, he held him. Lee looked around. They were alone. He gently kissed him and tears came to his eyes. He had been repressing the fear he would never again experience such a moment.

“How do you feel?”

“Weak, tired. You?”

“Hungry,” Lee responded.

“Hungry enough to eat prairie dog?”

Lee laughed and kissed Tatanka again. “Yes! Hungry enough to eat prairie dog.”

At that moment two of the women returned. They didn’t react to the display of affection between the two men. They carried bowls of a warm broth, thin strips of meat and flat bread.

“Wote oraako codaa.” Don’t eat fast, the women warned.

It was hard for Lee not to. He felt like he hadn’t eaten in months. Tatanka on the other hand managed only a few mouthfuls.

As the men were eating, the tent flap opened once more and the shaman entered. Tatanka’s brother followed him.