“You’re joshin’”
“No sir. You’ll see soon enough.”
The men worked on a few more lambs and then the younger Mr. Birk decided it was time to call it a day. Lee checked the horizon. The sun was already down. Looked like another night in the bunkhouse.
As they rode back to the ranch, other pairs of cowboys joined them as they came in from different parts of the range. They talked of the upcoming shearing and the driving of the herds to summer pasture. Lee felt good in such easy company. The lazy clop-clop of the horses’ hooves, the slight sway as the animals placed each of their feet on the firm earth was relaxing after a hard day’s work. Only the coming darkness prevented Lee from making the ride to Bethel, his family and total contentment.
“Only about four to six more weeks now I reckon,” Lee heard Ted say to him.
Ted had given Lee the news just after Christmas that Lu Ann, his wife, was expecting in the spring.
“That’s great!” Lee responded. “Got the names picked out?”