Chapter 42

“When we were in Bethel, a young woman came to Dr. Thompson. She has lost three babies. He questioned her and found out she was using seed of the wild carrot in her cooking. He told her to stop.”

“And did it work?”

“I do not know, we left Bethel before I could see the woman again.”

“Well, how do ya know that they’re usin’ this wild carrot thing to cook with way out here?”

Tatanka patiently continued, “As we came to the village I saw a field of wild carrot growing near the corn. I ask Eagle Hunter. He told me of men on horses dressed in metal helmets came to the village many years ago that brought with them a gift of the wild carrot. The people used the root for food. Recently they found if they crushed the seed, it offered good taste to other foods as well.”

“And you figure that it’s this seed that is making the women lose the kids?”


“So, there’s no Winkte magic here. Just don’t use the fuckin’ seeds.”

“Does this disappoint you?”