Chapter 5

“Gordon,” Gordon said, accepting Dave’s hand.

“Follow me.” Dave led the way around a couple of rows of shelves on which were displayed several kinds of boots. “Here ya go. The top shelf has some heavy-duty work boots. But since you’re not gonna be spendin’ all day in the saddle…”

You never know. Gordon mentally smirked.

“…these here in the middle should do ya pretty well.”

Gordon looked over the selection. With Dave’s help he chose a pair of black boots with the deep heel he remembered Ty had suggested. They had a plain, rounded toe and an oak leaf pattern on the calf shaft. Gordon left them on after trying them for size and put the sneakers he had worn to the store into the box the boots had been in. As he walked with Dave to the front counter to pay, the man asked, “You think ya might want a hat to go with them boots? Would kinda complete the picture.”