Chapter 49

“Vet, it would have been such a mess if you and I had hooked up then. I mean, it is such a typical lesbian cliché. The straight girl who had been drinking falls under the lesbian’s spell and gets put on her back. Child, I was so messed up about what had went down with my ex I would not have been able to make it worth your while. You are cute and everything, but I don’t fuck my friends. Your first time should be with someone fresh and new. No preconceived notions about what this will mean for the two of you if things don’t work out.”

Taking my hand, Linda told me she loved me as a friend and I needed to be open to following whatever came my way. If it was XX or XY, happiness was mine to have.

“Now, my pearls of wisdom come with a price. If you would be so kind as to purchase the lady a tasty beverage, I would be much obliged. All this dancing and talking has left me parched.”