Chapter 73

“Working on papers in the middle of the night,” Linda said, looking at me with pursed lips as we waited for the drag show at Libra’s to start. It was a new bar in Durham and tonight was amateur night. One of Linda’s friends was set to perform so we were there for moral support.

“Yes, working on papers. I don’t think she is cheating on me,” I said, as I checked out the two heavily made up women at the table next to us.

When I leaned over to tell the one next to me how nice she looked, the voice of Darth Vader respond, “Thank you.”

“I’m not trying to imply everyone is like Erica and is looking to get some on the side, but I would encourage you to look and listen,” Linda said. “Ask questions and don’t take everything at face value. I would hate to have to box Jasmine’s ears for screwing your over, but I will.”

“Thank you for the offer, I will keep it in mind,” I said as China Right stepped up to start the show.