Chapter 16

“Remember Mike said to give him time,” Andy reminded me, as if reading my thoughts.

“He’s not going to call, is he?” I sighed.

“I don’t think so. Give it a little more time.”

After half an hour the phone was still silent.

“You could call him,” Andy suggested.

I shook my head. Peter needed his space for now. I would let him take his time and come to me. “No, not just yet.” Changing the subject, I said, “Now, what about that new New Year’s tradition you were talking about starting?”

“I was hoping you would still be up for it.”

“I’m not up upyet but I’m sure you can fix that.”

We came together. A new New Year’s tradition was born. That night with our arms tightly around each other, our lips pressed together and our bodies connected in the deepest way two men can connect, we welcomed the New Year and the future.

3: Bumps In The Road