Chapter 14

Dressing quickly and grabbing the small bag of gifts for Matt and Bruce that Nance had kindly agreed to wrap, Martin knocked on Matt and Bruce’s door and was told to ‘come in.’

“Happy Christmas,” three voices chorused, making Martin smile.

“And to you, too.” Martin remained in the doorway because he didn’t know the layout of the room.

“I was going to show you your present now, but Uncle Matt says he has an announcement,” Colin said excitedly.

Matt laughed, “Martin was right, you’re like a kid when it comes to Chrissy.”

“Am not,” Colin protested.

“Okay then, give Martin his gift and I’ll stay mum.”

Martin was pretty sure he already knew what Matt had to say, but held his tongue.

“Me and Bruce…” Matt began.

“Bruce and I, you ill-educated ignorant bastard,” Bruce corrected.