Chapter 2

After putting on her bridle, I gave her another treat, which she chewed instead of me. There was also no cow-kick when I offered a last bribe before re-tightening the girth. I then mounted her—really slowly. I knew the stunt she’d pull if she didn’t like her rider!

I sat mousy quiet on her, afraid to apply any aids. But she stayed calm throughout walk, trot and canter, so I approached a cross-pole, and hung onto a tuft of mane as Kelly hurled herself over it. I so wanted to get off!

But a buyer would want to see her jump and I had to keep going. ‘Let the fence come to you’ I remembered my instructor telling me. I repeated it over and over as I steered the hurdle racer towards an upright fence then a wider one. Boy, could she jump! I looked at Glen and we both thought the same thing: This is a good horse! Completely nuts, but talented.