Chapter 8

“Why? I mean…” Neil asked.

Gary sat on the bed and indicated to Neil to sit next to him. Lifting Neil’s hand he kissed it. “Because I wanted to make today the best I could for you.”

Neil swallowed. “Me? I don’t understand.”

“I wanted to be stretched enough to take you. I didn’t want you to have to waste a lot of time opening me up, me being inexperienced and everything.”

“God, Gar.”

Gary leaned in and kissed Neil’s unresisting lips. “I love you. It’s as simple as that. I’d do anything for you, and now…today…you’re letting me do that.” He kissed him again. “Thank you.”

Neil wrapped his arms around Gary so tightly Gary feared for his ribs. Not that he was complaining. “You’re fucking awesome, you know?” Neil choked out.

Gary smiled. He thought about saying something profound, but knew the mood was getting way too serious. “I’m hoping you’re the one whose fucking is awesome.”