Chapter 10

Gary nodded, trying to imagine what it would feel like when it was Neil’s big dick rather than his finger pressing against that spot.

“There’s no such thing as too much lube,” Neil told him, squirting more of the stuff on his fingers.

“Uh huh.”

“And with this being your first time I’m not taking any chances. Don’t want to hurt you…at least no more than I have to.”

Gary leaned up and kissed Neil’s lips.

Neil kissed him back. “What was that for? Not that I’m complaining.” He grinned.

“You…” Gary swallowed. “You really care. That’s why I wanted my first time to be with you. No one else would have taken their time to make it good for me.”

“I know I don’t say it often, but I love you, Gar.”

Gary blinked away a tear. He wished Neil meant it in the same way he loved Neil, but he’d take what he could get…and he’d be grateful.

Neil withdrew his fingers. “I think you’re ready now.”

Gary nodded, suddenly nervous. He bit his lip, then asked, “Can we do it…face-to-face?”