Chapter 15

“You told me about the first girl you kissed,” Gary broke the silence. “Gemma Williamson. It was behind the bike sheds. Remember?”

“It was behind the gym.”

“Oh, okay.”

“And you told me in this room that you didn’t want to kiss any girls.”

Gary smiled.

“Did you want to kiss Dad?”

Gary shook his head. “Not then. All I knew was I didn’t want to kiss girls. They were silly, giggly and…” He sighed. “Knowing I was gay, being able to put a name to it, came later.”

“And you told me you were gay in this room.”

“You were the first person I told…The only person I told for a long time.”

“Who was the second?”


“Really? Not your mum or dad?”

Gary shook his head. Although he loved his parents and knew they loved him, there was just something about Neil that Gary felt safe with, knew he could trust.

Danny picked up his pen and started to run it through his fingers.

“I know you’re okay about me being gay. You’ve told me often enough.”