Chapter 4

Finally he turns down an unlit one-way road. The sidewalks on either side peter out at the end, where the grass has been trampled, allowing dirt to create an area for lost cars to turn around in. There’s only one house down this street, dark at this hour of the night, and as our headlights glance over its lawn, I see a sale sign that’s obviously been there a while. At the sidewalk’s end, Paul pulls over and parks, out of the way of anyone who might come down this dead-end street looking to turn around.

He turns off the ignition and the radio dies. The engine ticks softly into the night.

Covering my hand with his, he raises it from his lap to his lips and kisses the back of my knuckles. When I look over at him, I see a hunger smoldering in his gaze that mirrors my own. I grin slowlyAw, yeah.

“There’s more room in the back,” Paul tells me.