Her lips twist with uncertainty. “Don’t,” she says simply.
For a moment he stands there and waits, sure she’ll add to that. Something along the lines of don’t whatmight be nice. But she doesn’t, just meets his gaze and waits for him to take up the scuffle where she left off. He doesn’t want to ask what she means, that would concede too much, and he surely doesn’t want to brush off this conversation altogether—if he walks away now she’ll get pissed, and probably tackle him halfway down the hall. Finally he decides to ignore the whole situation, pretend she didn’t just try to drag him back downstairs, and start fresh. Rubbing at his elbow, sore where he must’ve knocked it on the steps, he asks, “Have you seen Gerrick?”
“You don’t want to go there,” she says. She must mean the shower, and when Trin takes a step in that direction, she grabs his elbow again. Unexpected fear leaps in his chest. “Are you listening to me? I said you don’t—”