Chapter 29

I shrugged, pleased that she had bothered to ask even if she didn’t really care to know. “It’s going. Whether it’s any good or not I’ll worry about later. I just have to write it out first.”

She nodded, but I couldn’t tell if she understood what I meant or was just trying to understand. Down the street, a squeal of air brakes told me the bus was on its way. Curious, I asked, “How did you find the bus stop?”

“I asked.”

The simplicity of her answer made me grin. “Just walked out and what, stopped the first person you saw? Hey you, where’s the bus?”

Her faint smile grew stronger and she looked down with an almost embarrassed, girlish air.

“Is that how you planned to find the market, too? Ask any Asians you might stumble across? Which way to the Hong Kong Safeway?”

Without answering, she opened her purse and pulled out a colorful piece of paper folded into a small square.